Thursday, January 25, 2007

Digging A Little Deeper...

What would you like to do if not working in your current job? I love my current job (public relations for a large health services company) but it would be awesome to work at home, doing my clay art full time.

What three people would you like to have dinner with (Living or deceased)? Helen Keller, Anne Frank, Mother Teresa

Last book read? Art and Fear by David Bayles & Ted Orland

What is your biggest indulgence? Ice cream

What is your favorite curse word? crap

What is the one item you cannot live without? My silver and turquoise ring

What inspires you? The beauty of nature

Pajamas or street clothes? Pajamas

This whimsical face pendant reminds me of Paula Best and her artwork. Wouldn't it make a great icebreaker?