Friday, January 26, 2007

Digging A Little Deeper...

What would you like to do if not working in your current job? I currently work in my dream job as a photojournalist for the Chicago Sun-Times. But I would like to spend more time on crafting and other endeavors.

What three people would you like to have dinner with (Living or deceased)? Eleanor Roosevelt, George Clooney, my papa.

Last book read? The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri

What is your biggest indulgence? sweets and shopping

What is the one item you cannot live without? my camera

What inspires you? my kids, my friends and my heart

Pajamas or street clothes? PJs all day every day.

What is your favorite curse word? the f-word, whatI like to call the most functional curse word in theEnglish language. It's a noun, a verb, an adjective...I use it way too much.

I have to make a confession. I have an affinity for little boxes and containers. My desk is functionally useless due to the decorative little boxes covering the top. Therefore, I LOVE these boxes.